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Karumba Sunday Markets
Sunset Tavern 2 Ward St, Karumba, QLDKARUMBA MARKETS commence April and running through to early September. [...]
Play Golf in the Gulf
Karumba Recreation Club 51 Karumba Developmental Road, Karumba, QLDPlay Golf in the Gulf - every Thursday and Sunday [...]
Yin Yoga @ The Barra Centre
Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre 148 Yappar Street, Karumba, QLDEvery Wednesday in the Conference Room 18:30 - 19:30 free [...]
Play Golf in the Gulf
Karumba Recreation Club 51 Karumba Developmental Road, Karumba, QLDPlay Golf in the Gulf - every Thursday and Sunday [...]
Yoga @ the Barra Centre
Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre 148 Yappar Street, Karumba, QLDEvery Saturday from 8am - 9.30am Hatha Yoga for all [...]
Gulf Bingo
Karumba Lodge Hotel 44 Yappar St, Karumba, QLDGulf Bingo Every Saturday at the Karumba Lodge Eyes down [...]
Karumba Sunday Markets
Sunset Tavern 2 Ward St, Karumba, QLDKARUMBA MARKETS commence April and running through to early September. [...]
Play Golf in the Gulf
Karumba Recreation Club 51 Karumba Developmental Road, Karumba, QLDPlay Golf in the Gulf - every Thursday and Sunday [...]
Yin Yoga @ The Barra Centre
Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre 148 Yappar Street, Karumba, QLDEvery Wednesday in the Conference Room 18:30 - 19:30 free [...]
Play Golf in the Gulf
Karumba Recreation Club 51 Karumba Developmental Road, Karumba, QLDPlay Golf in the Gulf - every Thursday and Sunday [...]